A tough, skillful and innovative prosecutor, Kevin Steele has been serving Montgomery County for 20 years.



News & Events
October 27, 2015
Contact: Marie Beresford, Marie@Steele4DA.org, 215 908-0754
NORRISTOWN, Pa. – Bruce Castor released a statement yesterday questioning my ethics and accusing me of a cheap campaign stunt.
His statement is untrue.
The origins of the current Cosby story began this summer when a federal judge released testimony from a civil case against Bill Cosby. My opponent has spent the past four months defending in the press his decision not to prosecute Cosby. Last week he asserted he could not prosecute because no other victims had come forward. We point again to his own signed press release declining to authorize the filing of
criminal charges in the Cosby case: Castor himself states, “Lastly, the District Attorney reviewed statements from other persons claiming that Mr. Cosby behaved inappropriately with them on prior occasions.” [Castor Press Release, 2/17/05]
The accusation this lawsuit was orchestrated by me is simply untrue. Attorney Troiani is representing the interests of her client, which are unrelated to my campaign. My opponent declined the Cosby prosecution. He made public statements about a victim. And now, in an attempt to deflect attention away from his record, he is blaming others and alleging political motivation.
October 26, 2015
Contact: Marie Beresford, Marie@Steele4DA.org, 215 908-0754
NORRISTOWN, Pa. – On Friday, October 23, 2015, Ms. Allred, Attorney for Cosby victims held a press conference in New York and spoke on Castor:
“In 2005 the District Attorney in Montgomery County Pennsylvania, Bruce Castor, stated that there was not enough evidence to prosecute the allegations made by [victim]. This is what he said about Mr. Cosby. ‘Did I think he probably did something inappropriate? Yes. Did I think that I could prove it beyond a reasonable doubt based on available, credible and admissible evidence? No, I didn't.’ He said that despite the fact that there were 13 Jane Does that were prepared to testify in [victim’s] case about Mr. Cosby and what they allege was similar misconduct against them.” [Gloria Allred, 10/23/15]
Ms. Allred's comment comes on the heels of a public statement made by Bruce Castor several days ago, denying that any other victims had come forward until after he left office. Ms. Allred’s statement confirms the record: Castor knew about the 13 additional victims when he was District Attorney.
October 21, 2015
Contact: Marie Beresford, Marie@Steele4DA.org, 215 908-0754
NORRISTOWN, Pa. -- Kevin R. Steele launched a crucial new phase of his campaign for MontgomeryCounty District Attorney today, introducing a TV ad that touts his strong record of prosecuting sexual predators and draws comparison to his opponent's failure to prosecute Bill Cosby.
The 30-second ad, which is running on broadcast and cable television, highlights the 98 percent conviction rate of the District Attorney’s Office under Kevin Steele, First Assistant District Attorney, and his success in obtaining tough sentences for sexual predators.
By contrast, former D.A. Bruce Castor, who now asks voters for the job back, chose in 2005 not to bring charges against Cosby. (1) Castor defended his decision, saying, "We don't charge people for making a mistake or doing something foolish."(2)
Castor admitted that other victims came forward at the time and that he had reviewed statements that Cosby had behaved inappropriately with them. Castor, however, shrugged off the collaborating statements, saying that there didn’t appear to be any evidence that “would constitute a criminal offense.”(3) He later tried to justify his refusal to prosecute saying, “If you pull the trigger on a case that
requires that testimony and the judge doesn’t let it in,” Castor said, “you end up looking like the biggest chump in the country.” (4)
Years later, after many more victims had come forward, Castor admitted, "I thought he did it."(5) He tried to excuse himself by saying, "I didn't say that he didn't commit the crime."(6)
With numerous women alleging sexual abuse by Cosby, the news media has asked, "Why did Bruce Castor pass on a chance to lock up Bill Cosby?"(7)
And in an open letter to Castor published by The Philadelphia Inquirer last month, a lawyer for Cosby's 2005 accuser, lambasted Castor for his mishandling of the case (8).
"We have watched you appear on various media outlets engaging in blatant revisionist history," attorney Dolores Troiani was quoted telling Castor. "We demand that you retract your statement concerning [my client] and issue the apology to her that is 10 years overdue."
(1) Nicole Weisensee Egan, No Criminal Charges Against the Cos (Philly.com, Feb. 18, 2005),
(2) Lisa DePaulo, Why Did Bruce Castor Pass on a Chance to Lock Up Bill Cosby? (Bloomberg Politics, Nov. 26, 2014),
(3) The Associated Press State & Local Wire, Excerpts from statement issued by prosecutor in Cosby case, 2/18/05
(4) Jeremy Roebuck and Laura McCrystal, Time hasn’t run out on possible charges against Cosby in Pa. (Philly.com, Sept. 14, 2014),
(5) Jessica Parks, Prosecutor on Cosby allegation: "I thought he did it." (Philly.com. Nov. 21, 2014),
(6) Justin Wm. Moyer, Prosecutor who declined to charge Bill Cosby in 2005: "I didn't say that he didn't
commit the crime (The Washington Post, Nov. 19, 2014),
(7) DePaulo, Why Did Bruce Castor Pass on a Chance to Lock Up Bill Cosby?
(8) Laura McCrystal and Jeremy Roebuck, Constand lawyer lashes at former DA (Philly.com, Sept. 19, 2015),
September 2015
Police officers and state troopers in Montgomery County who work with the District Attorney's Office on a regular basis have endorsed Kevin Steele to become our next District Attorney. They have agreed that he is the best person to lead the office forward.
Fraternal Order of Police Lodges 14, 28, 31 and 37 represent law enforcement officers covering all of the municipalities in Montgomery County. FOP Lodges 14, 28, 31 and 37 have spoken with one voice and have voted to endorse Kevin Steele for District Attorney. In an extraordinary series of events this spring and summer, each lodge in turn chose Kevin Steele as the individual they most trust for his
sound and fair judgment in exercising the considerable authority of District Attorney, as well as for his dedication to doing the right thing when it counts the most.
Voters are also learning what these officers and these troopers already know -- that Kevin Steele has an unsurpassed, unrelenting record for the past two decades in fighting for justice and fairness in our county. They know Kevin has provided police with the tools and training they need to protect us, and they know, as do the people of Montgomery County that in the aftermath of crime, he fights for the victims and their families.
Steele is extraordinarily well-prepared for the job of District Attorney. As the First Assistant D.A., he oversees 146 prosecutors, detectives and administrative personnel who handle approximately 10,000 criminal cases per year. He leads the Homicide Unit in all of its investigations and supervises all non-consensual wiretap investigations. In his legal career, he has personally conducted well over 100 trials and prosecuted more than 1,800 cases, including 40 defendants who have committed homicides.
Kevin’s mission is to convict the guilty, protect the public and exonerate the innocent. He is honored to have received the support, encouragement and endorsement of the men and women of Montgomery County’s Fraternal Orders of Police.
July 16, 2015
Contact: Marie Beresford, Marie@Steele4DA.org, 215 908-0754
Having received the Lodge 14 endorsement last night, Kevin Steele has the earned the support of all Fraternal Orders of Police representing all the municipal police departments in Montgomery County. Law enforcement officials across the county agree that Steele, a career prosecutor and First Assistant District Attorney, is the right choice to be elected District Attorney on November 3rd.
FOP Lodge 14, which represents police officers and retirees in 47police departments in MontgomeryCounty townships and boroughs, voted to endorse Steele because of his strong support of law enforcement officials and his commendable record of working with police for ensuring justice. Kevin Steele has repeatedly pledged that as District Attorney he would work to convict the guilty, protect the public and exonerate the innocent.
Steele was previously endorsed by the two independent F.O.P. Lodges -- Lodge 31, which represents police officers in Norristown, and Lodge 28, which represents officers in Lower Merion and Narberth.
“I am very grateful for the endorsement of police officers all across Montgomery County,” Steele said. ”I have worked hard to see that those who protect us are themselves protected. I work every day to make sure that justice is done and that the public is served.”
Steele wears two wristbands. One is for Plymouth Township Officer Brad Fox, killed in the line of duty. When Fox’s killer killed himself, Steele was able to prosecute the “straw purchaser” who provided the gun. The other wristband is in memory of Pennsylvania Wildlife Conservation Officer David Grove, also killed in the line of duty in Gettysburg, whose assailant Steele helped send to prison.
Steele began his law enforcement career in 1987 as an intern for the United States Secret Service in Washington, D.C. He worked in several prosecutors’ offices through college and law school. Prior to graduation from law school in 1992, he was sworn as a Deputy District Attorney in Dauphin County.
Former District Attorney Michael Marino hired him as an Assistant District Attorney in Montgomery County in 1995. He was assigned to the Narcotic Unit and later became Captain of the unit, which allowed him to work closely with the Drug Task Force and its 400 officers from all over the county and was promoted to Chief of the Trials Division and then to First Assistant District Attorney, the position in which he currently serves.
July 13, 2015
Contact: Marie Beresford, Marie@Steele4DA.org, 215 908-0754
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 31, representing police officers and retirees in the Montgomery County seat of Norristown, endorsed Kevin R. Steele for county District Attorney in the November 3rd election.
The Lodge is “pleased to endorse you in your candidacy for District Attorney,” President Matthew O’Connell wrote in a congratulatory letter to Steele. “We wish you all the best of luck and look forward to working with you in the future.” The Norristown police officers are the second F.O.P. group in Montgomery County to endorse Steele.
Steele last month received the endorsement of F.O.P. Lodge 28, representing officers and retirees in Lower Merion and Narberth.
Joe Braun, Lodge 28 president, said: "Kevin knows us and has been in the trenches with us from the time he started as a young Assistant (District Attorney) right up to today. Our officers and detectives can call him at 3 in the morning, and he answers. Kevin is a time-tested leader who will make Montgomery County a safer place to live and will work with police officers to see that justice is done."
As the current First Assistant District Attorney, Steele is extraordinarily well-prepared for the job of District Attorney. He oversees the administration of approximately 9,000 criminal cases per year, and he oversees the Homicide Unit in all of its investigations, as well as personally supervising all non-consensual wiretap investigations. In his legal career, he has personally tried more than 100 trials and prosecuted more than 1,800 cases, including 40 homicide cases.
Steele’s mission is to convict the guilty, protect the public and exonerate the innocent.

June 23, 2015
Contact: Marie Beresford, Marie@Steele4DA.org, 215 908-0754
Former Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell today endorsed Kevin R. Steele for District Attorney of Montgomery County, hailing Steele as an exceptionally able and experienced prosecutor, who serves the county with dedication and integrity.
"In more than two decades of service to the people of Montgomery County, Kevin’s mission is to convict the guilty, protect the public and exonerate the innocent," Rendell said. "As the First Assistant District Attorney, he manages the operations of more than 140 prosecutors, detectives and administrative staff in the D.A.'s office, and he personally oversees all the homicide investigations. Moreover, he has led by example, earning a reputation as a tough but fair prosecutor during his years in the courtroom."
Rendell said he ought to know a good district attorney when he sees one. Before he was Pennsylvania Governor and Philadelphia Mayor, he was Philadelphia District Attorney for two highly-regarded terms. Rendell also served 6 1/2 years as Assistant District Attorney before that. Like Steele, he prepared himself for the job by heading the homicide unit of the office.
"Kevin is extraordinarily well-prepared for the job of District Attorney," Rendell said, adding, “His service as an Assistant District Attorney, including holding 2 management positions is invaluable. He is a man of character and integrity and his values will ensure the fairness and professionalism of the district attorney’s office.”
Steele has been a career prosecutor since being sworn in 1992 and has a reputation for being a tough, skillful and innovative prosecutor, taking on some of the most challenging cases in Montgomery County. A tireless and collaborative advocate, Steele has devoted his entire professional career to fighting for justice in our community and in our Commonwealth.
"I am humbled and honored to receive Governor Rendell's support for my election to be the next District Attorney, and I thank him for supporting my candidacy," Steele said. "Governor Rendell knows that it takes courage, dedication and a strong team to do the important work of the District Attorney. I will work with the citizens in our communities and our partners in law enforcement all across our county to instill fairness and ensure justice."
Steele earned his bachelor's degree in criminal justice from George Washington University and his law degree from the Dickinson School of Law of Pennsylvania State University. He also earned a master's of law degree in trial advocacy at Temple University. In July, he will become President of the Penn State Alumni Association. He also is an adjunct professor of criminal law at Cabrini College, where he was recently honored as a top educator.
JUNE 15, 2015
Contact: Marie Beresford, Marie@Steele4DA.org, 215 908-0754
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 28, representing police officers and retirees in Lower Merion Township and Narberth Borough, unanimously endorsed Kevin R. Steele for District Attorney of Montgomery County.
Joe Braun, FOP president, said that in his two decades as a county prosecutor, Steele has worked tirelessly and effectively to safeguard citizens, promote justice, and give police officers the support and training they need.
"Kevin knows us and has been in the trenches with us from the time he started as a young assistant right up to today," Braun said. "Our officers and detectives can call him at 3 in the morning, and he answers. Kevin is a time-tested leader who will make Montgomery County a safer place to live and will work with police officers to see that justice is done."
Braun praised Steele for successfully prosecuting felons who have attacked, injured and killed law enforcement officers. He noted that when the murderer of Plymouth Township Officer Brad Fox killed himself in 2012, Steele was able to convict the "straw purchaser" who provided the gun.
FOP Lodge 28 officers serve more than 62,000 Montgomery County citizens, including 58,000 in Lower Merion, the county's largest municipality.
Steele said he was honored to receive the FOP's endorsement.
"I have come to know these men and women quite well over our years of working together for the people of Montgomery County," Steele said. "I have the greatest respect for the professionalism, dedication and sacrifice of our law enforcement personnel. They are always there for us, and I have sought to be there for them."
As the current First Assistant District Attorney, Steele is extraordinarily well-prepared for the job of District Attorney. He oversees the administration of approximately 9,000 criminal cases per year, and he oversees the Homicide Unit in all of its investigations, as well as personally supervising all non-consensual wiretap investigations. In his legal career, he has personally tried more than 100 trials and prosecuted more than 1,800 cases, including 40 homicide cases.
Steele said he is reminded every day of the price law enforcement officers have paid to serve the public. He wears two wrist bands, one for Officer Fox and one for David Grove, a wildlife conservation officer also slain in the line of duty, whose killer he sent to prison.
"I will protect citizens and, when necessary, I will protect those who serve citizens," Steele said.
After his sweeping victory in the May Democratic primary, Steele stands in strong position to be elected D.A. in November. He announced that, as of the second reporting period, he has raised more than $200,000 for his campaign.
APRIL 2015
Kevin R. Steele honored with Cabrini College’s Adjunct Faculty Teaching Excellence Award.
Contact: Marie Beresford, Marie@Steele4DA.org, 215 908-0754

Dr. Jeff Gingerich, Interim Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dr. Kathleen McKinley, Sociology and Criminology Department Chair.
On April 20, 2015, Kevin R. Steele was honored with Cabrini College’s Adjunct Faculty Teaching Excellence Award.
At the Adjunct Faculty Appreciation Ceremony, Dean Beverly Bryde, Ed.D., said “each year the Office of Academic Affairs selects an adjunct faculty member, upon recommendation of Department Chairs, faculty and students, to receive a special award.”
Dr. Kathleen McKinley, the Criminology and Sociology Department Chair said, “Kevin has brought the everyday real life experience of a county prosecutor to the college and provided our students with a window to the real world of criminal prosecution, criminal law and criminal procedure.”
Cabrini students were vocal in support of Kevin’s nomination stating “[h]is ability to connect course concepts with stories of his own experiences within the justice system, willingness to push students to think critically of their studies, and skill in effectively communicating detailed aspects of the law
(with a much appreciated measure of humor) to students of all abilities make for an excellent educator, and all the while maintaining a relaxed and approachable attitude.” Another said “Professor Steele was by far the most professional yet down to earth teacher I had throughout my college experience.”
Kevin is honored to receive this award. “I hope to have made a difference with the students by teaching from a practical perspective that I have gained by working for years in the trenches. I expect many of our students will be our future
leaders in the field of criminal justice.”
Pictured with Dr. Jeff Gingerich, Interim Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dr. Kathleen McKinley, Sociology and Criminology Department Chair.
MARCH 13, 2015
Contact: Marie Beresford, Marie@Steele4DA.org, 215 908-0754
Celebrating 20 years of service to the people of Montgomery County, Kevin Steele kicked off his campaign for Montgomery County District Attorney on Thursday night in Conshohocken, pledging to lead this most important office with experience, innovation and fairness."I am not doing this because I am a politician," Steele said at the Spring Mill Fire House. "
I am doing this because I am a career prosecutor. I work every day to make sure that justice is done and that the public is protected.""I am a husband.
I am a father. Beyond that, I am the vice president of the (Penn Wynne/Overbrook Hills) fire department. I am involved in coaching my kids. I will bring a common sense approach to what
we do in our office." Steele currently is the first First Assistant District Attorney and the No. 2 official in the Montgomery County District Attorney's Office. He noted that today (Friday, March 13) marks exactly 20 years since his start date.
Steele is extraordinarily well-prepared for the job of District Attorney. He oversees 146 prosecutors, detectives and administrative personnel who handle approximately 9,000 criminal cases per year. He leads the Homicide Unit in all of its investigations and personally supervises all non-consensual wiretap investigations. In his legal career, he has tried more than 100 trials and prosecuted more than 1,800 cases, including 40 homicide cases.
The endorsed Democrat for District Attorney, Steele filed his nominating petitions with almost 1,000 voter signatures this week to officially make himself a candidate in the May 19 primary. He is off to a fast start, already raising more than $100,000 for his campaign.
"I am both humbled and incredibly appreciative of the reception I am receiving by people throughout Montgomery County," Steele said. "We have gained great early momentum in the campaign by talking about experience, innovation and fairness. I am looking forward to sharing my ideas over the coming months on the future of the D.A.'s Office and hearing about the concerns of the people of our community."
Marcel L. Groen, the Montgomery County Democratic chairman, told the throng at Spring Mill Fire House: "For the first time we are going to elect a Democrat for District Attorney. He is going to show this county what ethical is, what fairness is. Your political affiliation and your background don't matter."
Bernard Griggs Jr., business representative for the Building and Construction Trades Council, said of Steele: "His record proves that he is ready, willing and able to take that position."Steele’s mission is to "convict the guilty, protect the public and exonerate the innocent."